사소한 비판, 경미한 불만
a minor criticism or complaint about something that is not important
변명의 여지, 탈법적인 해석
a plot device where a character uses the exact wording of a rule or agreement to avoid its intended meaning or purpose
What is a "quibble"?
In fiction, a quibble is a plot device where characters take advantage of the precise wording of an agreement or condition to avoid its intended meaning or to escape a commitment. This often involves focusing on minor or literal interpretations to achieve a different outcome than what was originally intended. Quibbles are commonly used in legal agreements or magical conditions, such as prophecies, to create conflict or unexpected twists in the narrative. For instance, characters might use a quibble to fulfill a contract's exact terms while sidestepping its broader intent, creating an opportunity for conflict or deception within the story.
to quibble
사소한 일로 다투다, 트집잡다
to argue over unimportant things or to complain about them