What is a "split"?
A split is a position in gymnastics, dance, and other sports where the legs are stretched in opposite directions until they form a straight line. It can be done with one leg extended forward and the other backward, called a front split, or with both legs stretched sideways, called a middle split. Performing a split requires flexibility in the hips, legs, and lower back. Athletes train to achieve a full split by gradually improving their flexibility through stretching exercises.
分裂, 分断
裂け目, 分割
スプリット, 分割
What is a "split"?
A split in bowling occurs when a player knocks down some pins with their first roll but leaves two or more non-adjacent pins standing, creating a gap between them. Splits are challenging because they are difficult to convert into a spare. One of the most famous splits is the 7-10 split, where only the 7 and 10 pins remain standing at the ends of the lane. Converting a split into a spare requires skill and precision, and when successfully done, it is a significant achievement in bowling.
スプリットデザート, サンデー
亀裂, 裂け目
分け前, 分配
スプリット, ハーフボトル
引き分け, 分割
What is a "split"?
In poker, a split refers to dividing the pot between two or more players who have hands of equal strength. This can happen during a showdown when players have the same ranked hand, such as two players both having a straight with the same top card or both having a pair of aces with the same kicker. If the hand is split, the pot is divided equally among the players involved, with any odd chips typically going to one player. Splitting the pot ensures fairness when no one player has a stronger hand than another.
分かれる, 分裂する
分ける, 分割する
分割する, 裂く
分かれる, 別れる
分割する, 分離する
分割された, 分裂した
割れた, 分割された