to elect
चुनना, निर्वाचित करना
to choose a person for a specific job, particularly a political one, by voting
Transitive: to elect sb
Citizens will elect a new mayor in the upcoming municipal elections.
The nation collectively decided to elect the candidate who promised positive change.
Voters have the responsibility to elect representatives who align with their values.
She elected to take the scenic route home instead of the highway.
After much thought, he elected to stay in the city rather than move.
They elected to postpone the trip until the weather improved.
The elect team members were carefully selected based on their skills and experience.
The elect spokesperson for the group was selected to represent their interests in negotiations.
He was recognized as the elect leader of the organization for his visionary ideas.
चुने हुए, निर्वाचित
chosen or voted into a public office but not yet officially started serving in that role
The governor-elect will assume office next month.
She was introduced as the mayor-elect during the press conference.
The president-elect is already planning his transition into power.
चुने हुए, ईश्वर द्वारा चयनित
(of a person) chosen by God for salvation or divine favor
The elect group of saints was predestined for heaven.
The elect individuals were called to spread the teachings of faith.
The elect saints were predestined for salvation.
चुने हुए लोग, चुनावित समूह
a group of people chosen for a special role or status
The elect were invited to the private ceremony.
Only the elect could access the exclusive club.
The board elect will assume office next month.
They believed themselves to be among the elect.
The preacher spoke about the destiny of the elect.
Only the elect were thought to inherit eternal life.

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