haplosin, suyuin
humaplos, lumapat
pagsalpok, paghampas
pagsalita ng maganda, pansin
mang-udyok, magsalimpusa
hagod, dampi
pagswing, hampas
What is a "stroke"?
A stroke is the action of hitting the ball with a bat, racket, or similar equipment in sports like cricket, tennis, or golf. It involves a controlled movement to direct the ball toward a specific target or area, often aiming for accuracy or power depending on the situation. Strokes are an essential part of gameplay and require skill and timing to be effective.
sukat, lapat
haplos, dampi
What is a "stroke"?
A stroke occurs when part of the brain does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients because the blood supply is cut off or reduced. This can happen because of a blockage in an artery, known as an ischemic stroke, or the bursting of a blood vessel, known as a hemorrhagic stroke. Symptoms of a stroke include sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, confusion, trouble walking, dizziness, and an intense headache. Immediate medical attention is critical for treating a stroke, as early treatment can minimize brain damage and improve outcomes. Treatment may involve medications, procedures to remove blood clots, and rehabilitation to regain lost functions.
buhat, galaw
izb (used frequently alongside the context of swimming), perlas (used in rowing)
What is a "stroke"?
In swimming, a stroke is the specific way a swimmer moves their arms and legs to propel themselves through the water. Each stroke has a unique pattern and technique, such as freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, or butterfly. The movement of the arms and legs, combined with breathing and body positioning, helps the swimmer move efficiently and maintain speed. Strokes are an essential part of swimming, used in both recreational swimming and competitive races, with some events focusing on a single stroke while others combine multiple strokes.
paghampas, suklay
pagsagwan, suwerteng pangyayari
puso, unahan
tama, buwelo
tagumpay, pagsisikap
tuldok, buhol
What is a "stroke"?
A stroke is a single mark or brush movement used to form characters in writing systems like Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Each character is made up of multiple strokes, which must follow a specific order and direction to create a properly formed character. In calligraphy and handwriting, mastering stroke order and technique is important for legibility, balance, and aesthetic appeal. Strokes can vary in length, angle, and shape, contributing to the complexity and beauty of the characters in these writing systems. Proper stroke usage is essential for learning and writing these languages accurately.