to knock back
schnell einen trinken, auf ex trinken
to drink quickly or consume a beverage in a rapid or forceful manner
He often knocks back a few glasses of beer after work to unwind.
They 've been knocking back shots of tequila all night, celebrating their friend's birthday.
I knocked back a shot of espresso to wake myself up before the meeting.
etwas kostet jemanden viel Geld, einen hohen Betrag kosten
to cost someone a significant amount of money
The new car knocked them back several thousand dollars.
The unexpected medical expenses are really knocking them back financially.
The renovation project has knocked us back quite a bit, but we're happy with the results.
abweisen, zurückwerfen
to prevent someone from succeeding or making further advancements
The rejection of their grant application really knocked them back.
The ongoing economic crisis is knocking many businesses back, hindering their growth and development.
The constant criticism has knocked her confidence back, making her doubt her abilities.
überraschen, schockieren
to shock someone with unexpected information or events
The news of his sudden illness really knocks everyone back.
The unexpected cancellation of the event is really knocking people back.
The car accident knocked her back to reality, making her realize the fragility of life.

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