The athletes ' sweat dripped onto the gym floor as they pushed themselves to the limit.
The hardworking laborer wiped the sweat from his brow with a worn-out handkerchief.
The construction workers took a break in the shade to escape the scorching sun and wipe away their sweat.
جهد, عمل شاق
use of physical or mental energy; hard work
تكثف, رطوبة
condensation of moisture on a cold surface
قلق, توتر
agitation resulting from active worry
to sweat
تعرق, ينتج العرق
to produce small drops of liquid on the surface of one's skin
After a long run, he began to sweat profusely.
Working under the hot sun, she could feel herself starting to sweat.
Nervous before the presentation, he started to sweat despite the air-conditioned room.
تعرق, اجتاز القلق
to be worried or anxious about something
Intransitive: to sweat over sth | to sweat about sth
She sweated over the upcoming exam, fearing she had n't studied enough.
He sweated about the job interview, worried he would n't make a good impression.
He sweated about his health, constantly worrying about potential illnesses.
تبخير, طهي على نار خفيفة
to cook food slowly over low heat without browning, typically covered, to release moisture and soften the ingredients
Transitive: to sweat vegetables
The chef instructed her to sweat the onions until they became soft and translucent.
He sweated the vegetables gently to bring out their natural flavors.
To start the stew, they sweated the carrots and celery in a little butter.

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