Tìm kiếm
to flap
vỗ, phất phơ
to move with a rapid up-and-down motion
Right now, the laundry on the clothesline is flapping in the gentle breeze.
The windmill blades steadily flapped in the wind, generating renewable energy.
During the storm, the flag outside the window constantly flapped in the gusty wind.
vỗ cánh, quạt cánh
(of a bird) to rhythmically move its wings in an upward and downward motion, either during flight or in preparation for taking flight
Transitive: to flap wings
With a powerful push, the eagle flapped its majestic wings, effortlessly soaring above the mountain peaks.
The robin perched on the branch, observing its surroundings before flapping its wings in a graceful motion
Perched on the wire, the blackbird flapped its wings vigorously.
khói lên, làm ầm ĩ
to express agitation, make a fuss, or become overly concerned or worked up about something
The parent started to flap when they realized their child was running late for school.
The team captain flapped before an important match, giving an impassioned speech to motivate the players.
He tends to flap when he's under pressure, becoming easily agitated and worrying excessively.
vẫy, lắc
to move an object or a part of it up and down or to and fro in a rapid or rhythmic manner
Transitive: to flap sth
The child flapped the pages of the book rapidly, trying to catch the attention of their parent.
The wind flapped the tent's entrance, causing it to sway back and forth as campers tried to secure it.
She flapped the towel vigorously to remove the excess water.
vẫy, vẫy vùng
to move one’s arms about in a clumsy or uncontrolled manner while surfing, often due to panic or lack of balance
He started to flap as he lost balance on the wave.
New surfers always flap when they panic in the water.
I was flapping so hard trying to paddle into that wave.
tấm vải, cái vạt
any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely
cánh xuồng, flap
a movable airfoil that is part of an aircraft wing; used to increase lift or drag
mảnh ghép, miếng phẫu thuật
a movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body
cánh quạt, sự đập
the motion made by flapping up and down
cuộc tranh cãi, sự phẫn nộ
much public anger or discussion
bìa gập, bìa lật
a portion of a book cover that extends beyond the edges of the pages and folds over to protect the page edges
What is a "flap"?
A flap is a portion of the cover or dust jacket that extends beyond the edges of the book's pages. It is typically used to hold additional information, such as a synopsis, author biography, or promotional details. Flaps can also help protect the book's cover by folding over and tucking into the book, securing it in place. This feature is common on hardcover books and dust jackets, adding both functional and decorative elements to the book's design.