перелом, тріщина
a crack or break in a bone or other hard substance
A fracture is a medical term used to describe a crack or break in a bone or hard substance.
Fractures can occur due to trauma, such as falls, sports injuries, or car accidents, as well as from overuse or weakened bones.
Symptoms of a fracture include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the injured area.
тріщина, перелом
the act of cracking something
злом, тріщина
(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
to fracture
The impact of the fall could fracture a bone, so be careful on the icy sidewalk.
In sports, a severe collision may fracture a player's bone, requiring medical attention.
Accidents during outdoor activities, like hiking or biking, can potentially fracture bones.
фракувати, розколоти
to crack something into multiple parts or pieces
The mirror fell to the ground and fractured into countless shards.
When she dropped the porcelain dish, it did n't just break; it fractured into tiny fragments.
порушити, зламати
to break a rule or trust
Transitive: to fracture a rule or trust
The controversial decision by the leader fractured the unity of the group.
By sharing company secrets, he fractured his contract's confidentiality clause.
переломити, зламати
to sustain a break or crack in a bone
Her wrist fractured when she tripped over the curb.
His ankle fractured while he was jogging in the park.
During the fall, his collarbone fractured upon impact with the ground.
зламати, тріскатися
to cause a crack or break in an object
Transitive: to fracture sth
The impact of the fall fractured the ceramic vase, shattering it into fragments.
He accidentally fractured the window with a misplaced throw of the baseball.
The earthquake fractured the foundation of the building, causing structural damage.
порушити, розладнати
to disrupt and create a state of chaos or disarray
Transitive: to fracture a system or situation
The economic downturn fractured the stability of the market, leading to widespread uncertainty.
The sudden resignation of the CEO fractured the company's leadership structure.
The terrorist attack fractured the sense of security in the city, prompting heightened vigilance and fear.