What is a "fork"?
A fork is a utensil with a handle and usually two or more prongs, used for lifting, turning, or eating food. It typically consists of a narrow, elongated handle attached to a wider end with prongs or tines. Forks are commonly made from materials such as stainless steel, silver, or plastic, and they come in various sizes and designs to suit different culinary purposes.
çiftlik çatalı
What is a "fork"?
A fork is a gardening tool with a handle and several long, pointed prongs made of metal, used for digging, loosening soil, or turning over compost. It is helpful for tasks like breaking up hard soil, mixing fertilizers into the ground, or removing weeds and roots from the soil. Garden forks come in different sizes, with some being small for detailed work and others being larger for heavy-duty tasks. The design makes it easy to work with soil in gardens or farming areas.
dörtlük, sap
kolaç, açı
çatal ağız, yol ayrımı
çatal (satranç)
What is a "fork"?
In chess, a fork is a tactical move where a single piece attacks two or more enemy pieces at the same time. While knights are the most common pieces to create forks, any piece, including pawns, can deliver this tactic. The purpose of a fork is to force the opponent to save only one of the threatened pieces, leaving the other to be captured. Forks are powerful because they often lead to gaining material or achieving a positional advantage, making them an essential part of chess strategy and tactics.
bifurcasyon, yol ayrımı
What is a "fork"?
A fork is a point where a single route divides into two separate paths. It occurs when a road, trail, or path branches off, offering travelers a choice of direction to follow. Forks can be found in both natural settings, like hiking trails, or in roads where one must decide which way to go. These points are often marked with signs or other indicators to guide people in choosing the correct route.
bölmek, ayrılmak
forklamak, çatal yapmak
feda etmek, çatal yapmak
çatalla kaldırmak, çatal kullanarak döndürmek