to acknowledge
erkänna, bekänna
to openly accept something as true or real
Transitive: to acknowledge a fact or situation
For the therapy to be effective, one must first acknowledge their feelings and emotions.
Despite the overwhelming evidence, she would n't acknowledge her mistake.
Many scientists acknowledge the impact of climate change on global weather patterns.
bekräfta, erkänna
to confirm or report the receipt of something, often by providing a response or notification
Transitive: to acknowledge receipt of something
The recipient acknowledged receipt of the package by signing the delivery slip.
Please acknowledge receipt of this email by replying with a confirmation.
Upon receiving the letter, she promptly acknowledged its receipt with a brief note of thanks.
erkänna, beklaga
to notice and show recognition to someone
Transitive: to acknowledge a person or their action
The director made sure to acknowledge every actor's contribution during the play's finale
She waved, and he smiled to acknowledge her presence.
She nodded her head to acknowledge the stranger's friendly smile as she passed by.
erkänna, tacka för
to publicly show thankfulness and gratitude for someone
Transitive: to acknowledge sth
The CEO acknowledged the hard work of the employees during the company meeting.
The mayor acknowledged the contributions of the volunteers at the community event.
The author acknowledged the support of their family and friends in the dedication of their latest book.
erkänna, bekänna
to recognize or admit the importance, significance, or quality of something
Transitive: to acknowledge a quality or characteristic
The artist acknowledged the skill and talent of her peers, expressing admiration for their work.
The teacher acknowledged the creativity of the student's project.
The architect acknowledged the innovative design of the new building, praising its unique and sustainable features.
erkänna, acceptera
to formally recognize or accept someone as having a particular status, role, or relationship
Complex Transitive: to acknowledge sb as a role or status
The council acknowledged her as the rightful owner of the property, granting her legal ownership.
The congregation acknowledged the pastor as their spiritual leader.
The citizens acknowledged the mayor as their representative, electing her to lead the city.

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