rozkaz, polecenie
an order, particularly given by someone in a position of authority
The general issued a command for the troops to advance towards the enemy positions.
She followed the captain 's command to lower the sails as the storm approached.
The CEO 's command to cut costs led to layoffs and restructuring within the company.
dowództwo, komenda
a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
dowództwo, komenda
the power or authority to command
dostępność, osiągalność
availability for use
biegłość, znajomość
great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity
dowództwo, komenda
a position of highest authority
She entered the command to save the document before closing the application.
Commands like " cd " and " ls " are used in the terminal to navigate and list files in Unix-based operating systems.
The programmer wrote a batch file containing multiple commands to automate the software installation process.
to command
dowodzić, komenderować
to have authority over or be in charge of a unit in the army
Transitive: to command a military unit [adj]
General Smith commands the 5th Infantry Division stationed in the southern region.
With a flick of his wrist and a resounding voice, Commander Roberts commands his battalion like a maestro conducting an orchestra of valor.
Captain Ramirez commands a company of soldiers deployed in the remote mountainous terrain.
rozkazać, nakazać
to give an official order to a person or an animal to perform a particular task
Ditransitive: to command sb to do sth
The general commanded the soldiers to hold their positions until further notice.
The trainer commanded the dog to sit and stay during the obedience training session.
The drill sergeant is commanding the recruits to perform push-ups.
dowodzić, zarządzać
to have or exercise direct authority
As the captain of the ship, he commands with confidence and expertise.
As the CEO, she commands with confidence and vision.
The leader commands, and the followers obey without question.
zażądać, żądać
to demand or claim something as one's right
Transitive: to command a demand or right
After years of hard work, she commanded a promotion within the company.
The lawyer commanded a hefty fee for his services due to his expertise in the field.
As the rightful heir, he commanded ownership of the family estate.
dowodzić, panować nad
to dominate or control a strategic position from a higher vantage point
Transitive: to command a position
The fortress was strategically situated on the hill, allowing it to command the entire valley.
The generals decided to position their artillery on the elevated ridge to better command the battlefield.
The eagle soared above, its keen eyes commanding the landscape below.

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