to scramble
기어오르다, 오르다
to ascend or move clumsily up a steep surface, using both hands and feet for support
Intransitive: to scramble | to scramble somewhere
As the hikers reached the rocky peak, they had to scramble to conquer the last few meters.
In the race against time, the mountaineers had to scramble up the icy slope to reach the stranded climbers.
With the storm approaching, the sailors had to scramble up the rigging to secure the sails.
젓다, 섞다
to mix an egg yolk with its egg whites and then cook it, usually with milk or butter
Transitive: to scramble eggs
For a quick breakfast, she decided to scramble some eggs with a dash of milk to make them fluffy.
The chef skillfully demonstrated how to scramble eggs, adding butter for a rich and savory flavor.
In the morning rush, he opted to scramble the eggs and cook them rapidly for a protein-packed breakfast.
허겁지겁 움직이다, 황급히 나가다
to move quickly and with urgency, often in a disorderly manner
Intransitive: to scramble | to scramble somewhere
When the fire alarm sounded, people began to scramble out of the building, evacuating in a hurry.
As the unexpected announcement was made, passengers started to scramble to catch the last train of the day.
As the storm approached, beachgoers scrambled to pack their belongings and seek shelter.
암호화하다, 코딩하다
to encode a broadcast transmission or telephone conversation in a way that renders it unintelligible without the use of a decoding device
Transitive: to scramble communications
During the Cold War, military communications often used encryption to scramble messages.
The radio operator had to scramble the transmission to ensure secure communication.
The government agency employed a sophisticated system to scramble their satellite communications.
뒤섞다, 섞다
to mix or jumble something, creating confusion or disorder
Transitive: to scramble sth
In the rush to pack for the trip, I scrambled my clothes and toiletries in the suitcase.
The toddler gleefully scrambled the puzzle pieces, challenging the adults to put it back together.
The computer glitch caused the data to scramble, leading to hours of work to restore the files.
소란, 난투
an unceremonious and disorganized struggle
뒤죽박죽, 혼란
rushing about hastily in an undignified way