to sanction
jósít, engedélyez
to officially approve of something such as an action, change, practice, etc.
Transitive: to sanction an action or practice
The city council decided to sanction the music festival, granting official permission for its organization in the park.
The bank manager had the authority to sanction large financial transactions after a thorough review.
The university's research committee agreed to sanction funding for the innovative scientific project.
jóváhagy, sanctionál
to officially approve or validate a proposal or agreement
Transitive: to sanction a proposal or agreement
The board of directors sanctioned the new company policy, making it official and enforceable .
The government sanctioned the treaty, solidifying the agreement between the two nations.
The court sanctioned the divorce settlement, finalizing the division of assets between the former spouses.
szankcionál, büntet
to impose a penalty or punitive measure upon an individual, entity, or action
Transitive: to sanction a person or institution | to sanction a person or institution for an action
The court sanctioned the corporation for environmental violations.
The disciplinary committee sanctioned the student for plagiarism.
The international community sanctioned the country, implementing trade embargoes and diplomatic sanctions.
The government imposed economic sanctions on the country for violating international agreements.
The United Nations imposed sanctions on the dictator's regime to pressure them into compliance with human rights standards.
International sanctions were lifted after the country demonstrated significant progress in nuclear disarmament.
engedély, jóváhagyás
an official or decree or statement granting permission or approval
szankció, büntetés
a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards
engedély, jóváhagyás
the act of final authorization
engedély, jóváhagyás
official approval or permission for something

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