She simmered a hearty beef stew on the stove, filling the kitchen with mouthwatering aromas.
The chef prepared a traditional Irish stew with tender lamb, potatoes, and carrots, perfect for a chilly evening.
He enjoyed a steaming bowl of chicken stew, packed with vegetables and seasoned with fragrant herbs.
agitation resulting from active worry
to stew
to cook something at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container
Transitive: to stew ingredients
Stew the beef with vegetables and broth in a slow cooker for several hours until it's tender.
She likes to stew chicken with tomatoes and spices in a Dutch oven for a hearty meal.
Stew the vegetables in a pot with broth and herbs until they're soft and flavorful.
to continuously worry or allow a problem to linger in one's mind, causing discomfort or anxiety
Intransitive: to stew about sth | to stew over sth
She stewed over the argument she had with her friend, replaying it in her mind.
He stewed about the financial difficulties his family was facing, unable to find a solution.
The employee stewed over the criticism from his boss, feeling unsettled and anxious.