scharf, spitz
having a point or edge that can pierce or cut something
The hunter 's arrowhead was sharp, designed for clean and efficient kills.
Die Pfeilspitze des Jägers war scharf, spitz, entworfen für saubere und effiziente Tötungen.
The chef used a sharp knife to precisely slice through the ripe tomato, effortlessly separating it into thin, even slices.
Der Koch verwendete ein scharfes Messer, um die reife Tomate präzise in dünne, gleichmäßige Scheiben zu schneiden.
scharf, klarsichtig
able to understand and notice things quickly
The detective remained sharp throughout the interrogation, catching every subtle clue.
He stayed sharp during the late-night meeting, ensuring no errors were overlooked.
scharf, spitz
having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing
schick, elegant
(of a person's style or clothes) dressy and fashionable, often conveying a sense of sophistication and elegance.
The sharp dresser caught everyone's attention with his impeccable sense of style.
Der schick gekleidete Mann erregte mit seinem tadellosen Gespür für Stil die Aufmerksamkeit aller.
He always looks sharp in his tailored suits and polished shoes.
Er sieht immer schick und elegant aus in seinen maßgeschneiderten Anzügen und polierten Schuhen.
scharf, deutlich
(of something seen or heard) clearly defined
schlau, clever
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
The singer hit a sharp high note that resonated throughout the auditorium.
The pianist played a series of sharp chords, adding a sense of urgency to the music.
steil, steil abfallend
extremely steep
scharf, hart
scharf, stechend
intense, sudden, and piercing discomfort, often linked to injuries or severe pain
When she twisted her ankle, she felt a sharp pain shoot through it, making her gasp.
Als sie sich den Knöchel verstauchte, fühlte sie, wie ein stechender Schmerz durch ihn schoss, was sie aufkeuchen ließ.
The sudden movement resulted in a sharp ache in his lower back, causing him to wince.
Die plötzliche Bewegung führte zu einem scharfen, stechenden Schmerz im unteren Rücken, der ihn zusammenzucken ließ.
erhöht, kreuz
(of a musical note) a half step higher than a particular note
scharf, spitz
quick and forceful
scharf, stechend
very sudden and in great amount or degree
The sharp flavor of the aged vinegar made the salad dressing stand out.
Der scharfe Geschmack des gereiften Essigs ließ das Salatdressing hervorstechen.
Her first bite of the radish revealed a sharpness that was unexpected.
Ihr erster Biss in den Rettich offenbarte eine Schärfe, die unerwartet war.
plötzlich, schlagartig
in a manner that is abrupt or sudden
Nadel, Spitze
a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point
Kreuz, Scherz
a symbol used to raise the pitch of a note by a half step
What is a "sharp"?
A sharp is a musical symbol that raises the pitch of a note by one half step, or one semitone. It is represented by the symbol "♯", which looks like a hashtag or pound sign. For example, if a note is C, placing a sharp in front of it changes it to C♯, which is slightly higher in pitch. Sharps are used to modify notes in music to achieve desired tonal effects and to fit within specific musical keys and scales.
The composer included a sharp before the F note to indicate it should be played one half step higher.
Der Komponist fügte ein Kreuz vor dem F hinzu, um anzuzeigen, dass es einen halben Ton höher gespielt werden sollte.
The pianist carefully executed the sharp in the music to emphasize the key change.
Der Pianist führte das Kreuz in der Musik sorgfältig aus, um den Tonartenwechsel zu betonen.

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