تناغم غير متناغم, صوت غير مناسب
unpleasant composition of sounds
She winced at the dissonance in the music, which clashed with the otherwise harmonious melody.
The sudden dissonance in the orchestra startled the audience, breaking the peaceful atmosphere.
The singer struggled to overcome the dissonance between her voice and the piano accompaniment.
a combination of notes or chords that sounds harsh or unstable
What is "dissonance"?
Dissonance in music refers to a combination of notes that creates a sense of tension or unrest. These notes clash with each other in a way that feels unstable or unresolved. Dissonance often contrasts with consonance, which is a combination of notes that sound harmonious and pleasant together. Dissonant intervals and chords are used to create a sense of drama, tension, or conflict in music, and they usually resolve to consonant intervals to create a feeling of resolution or rest.
The composer used dissonance to create tension in the piece.
The chord 's dissonance added an unsettling feeling to the music.
The sudden dissonance in the melody surprised the audience.
تناقض, اختلاف
the state in which people or things are in disagreement

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