حروق الدرجة الأولى, حروق بالبخار
a first degree burn resulting from hot liquid or steam
حروق بخار, حرق بالماء الساخن
the act of burning with steam or hot water
to scald
حَرَقَ, صَبَّنَ
to injure oneself with hot liquid or steam
Transitive: to scald sb/sth
She scalded her hand while pouring boiling water into the cup.
The steam from the pot scalded his face as he lifted the lid too quickly.
The clumsy waiter accidentally scalded a customer with hot coffee.
غلى, سلق
to heat a liquid, especially milk or water until it boils or gets close to that degree
Transitive: to scald a liquid
The chef scalded the milk on the stovetop before incorporating it into the custard mixture.
The barista scalded the milk for the latte, ensuring a velvety texture for the coffee.
The pastry chef scalded the heavy cream before infusing it with vanilla for the custard filling.
غلى, أخذت في الماء المغلي
to briefly dip or immerse something in boiling water
Transitive: to scald food or other substances
Before peeling the tomatoes, she scalded them in boiling water to loosen the skin.
He scalded the vegetables to preserve their color before freezing them.
To remove the wax, they scalded the jars in hot water.