Tìm kiếm
thủy triều, làn nước
the rise and fall of the sea level, which happens regularly, as a result of the attraction of the sun and moon
Fishermen need to be aware of the tide schedule to ensure their boats are safely docked.
High tide can flood low-lying coastal areas, leading to temporary inundation of the land.
During low tide, the exposed seabed reveals various marine life and tidal pools.
xu hướng, sóng
something that may increase or decrease (like the tides of the sea)
thủy triều, làn sóng
there are usually two high and two low tides each day
xu hướng, sự thay đổi ý kiến
the way that the opinions of the majority of people are changing or developing
thủy triều, dòng nước
a flowing stream or current, typically in relation to large bodies of water like oceans or seas
Fishermen often work with the tide to ensure an easier journey in and out of the harbor.
The tide carried debris down the river, eventually reaching the sea.
The tide was high, making it difficult to walk along the beach.
to tide
tràn lên, dâng lên
rise or move forward
trôi theo thủy triều, dạt theo thủy triều
be carried with the tide
dẫn theo thuỷ triều, thả trôi theo dòng nước
cause to float with the tide