تلاش کریں
ملاقات, ڈیٹ
a time that is arranged to meet a person with whom one is in a relationship or is likely to be in the future
She was excited about her date with him at the new Italian restaurant.
They went to the movies on their first date and had a wonderful time.
He asked her out on a date to the local art museum.
I need to check my calendar to see if I 'm available on that date.
I remember the exact date when I graduated from college.
Let 's schedule a date to go to the movies.
کھجور, تاریخ
a small brown fruit with a sweet taste and a hard seed
What is a "date"?
A date is a small, sweet fruit with a soft and chewy texture. They are commonly grown in tropical regions and have a rich, caramel-like flavor. Dates are known for their high nutritional value and are a good source of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. They can be enjoyed on their own as a healthy snack or used in various dishes, such as desserts, smoothies, and salads. Dates have been cultivated for thousands of years and hold cultural significance in many countries as a symbol of hospitality and abundance.
I love the sweet and caramel-like taste of fresh dates.
She added chopped dates to her morning oatmeal for a natural and healthy sweetener.
He enjoyed a dessert of sticky toffee pudding made with dates, served warm with vanilla ice cream.
ہمسفر, ملاقات کرنے والا
a person who accompanies another individual in a romantic or social context
She went to the prom with her date, wearing a beautiful gown and corsage.
He brought his date to the wedding as his plus-one, introducing her to friends and family.
She anxiously waited at the restaurant, hoping her date would arrive soon.
تاریخ, دن
a particular year, period, or era, often characterized by certain events or cultural trends
The date of the event is set for next month.
This book is set in a date that reflects 18th-century Paris.
The date of the historical battle is widely debated.
تاریخ, وقت
the present
تاریخ, وقت
a specific day or time period, often given in relation to an event or action
to date
تاریخ رکھنا, ڈنر پر جانا
to go out with someone that you are having a romantic relationship with or may soon start to have one
Transitive: to date sb
He asked her to date him on Valentine's day
He is dating someone who lives in another city.
She 's not interested in dating him right now, she's focusing on her career.
تاریخ طے کرنا, تاریخ معلوم کرنا
to determine or figure out when something happened or was created
Transitive: to date an event or object
The archaeologists used carbon dating to date the ancient artifacts.
The historian was able to date the manuscript to the early 16th century.
They tried to date the painting by examining its brushstrokes and style.
تاریخ لکھنا, تاریخ درج کرنا
to write or label something with a specific date to indicate when it was created, sent, or recorded
Transitive: to date a package or document
Please date the form at the top before submitting it.
He forgot to date the letter, so we were n’t sure when it was written.
The accountant will date all the invoices to keep track of the records.
تاریخ رکھنا, ڈٰیٹ کرنا
to be romantically involved with someone
They started to date after meeting at a friend's party.
He asked her out, and they ’ve been dating ever since.
I ’m not sure if they ’re officially dating, but they spend a lot of time together.

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