to free up
[phrase form: free]
serbest bırakmak, boşaltmak
to make something available by removing restrictions or allowing it to be used for a different purpose
The government decided to free up more funds for social programs by cutting unnecessary expenses.
By delegating some tasks to his assistant, he was able to free more time up for strategic planning.
He hopes that selling his old car will free up some cash for a down payment on a new one.
boşaltmak, serbest bırakmak
to make time available or release time from commitments
After automating certain tasks, she was able to free up time for more strategic work.
By streamlining the workflow, the team was successful in freeing up valuable time.
Cancelling unnecessary appointments helped him free up time for personal development.
müsaitleştirmek, boşaltmak
to create a gap in one's schedule by removing or rearranging commitments
Rescheduling non-urgent meetings helped him free up space in his busy schedule.
Eliminating overlapping commitments was essential to free up the schedule for critical projects.
The decision to delegate certain responsibilities freed up the team's schedule for creative brainstorming.

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