After years of hard work, he finally received the recognition that was his due.
She believes that respect is her due for all the sacrifices she made for the company.
The artist was given his due when his work was recognized internationally.
He had been paying his union dues faithfully for over a decade.
The club requires all members to pay their annual dues by the end of the month.
She forgot to pay her subscription dues, so her membership was temporarily suspended.
förfallen, förfallet
(of a payment, debt, etc.) scheduled or required to be paid immediately or at a specific time
The rent is due on the first of every month.
His loan payment is due by the end of the week.
The bill was due yesterday, and now there ’s a late fee.
skälig, passande
appropriate, fitting, or expected given the particular circumstances
With all due respect, I disagree with your assessment of the situation.
The manager followed the due process when handling the employee's complaint.
The ceremony was conducted with all due formality and tradition.
The report is due by the end of the week.
The payment is due on the first of the month.
Her presentation is due tomorrow morning.
lämplig, nödvändig
sufficient or adequate in fulfilling a need, obligation, or responsibility
The project requires due attention to ensure all details are properly handled.
She gave due consideration to both sides before making her decision.
The report was completed with due diligence and care.
skyldig, berättigad
(of things) rightfully owed or mandated as part of a legal or moral duty
He fought to reclaim what was rightfully due to him after the dispute.
The payment is due to the contractor as per the agreed contract terms.
She insisted on receiving the recognition that was due to her hard work.
After years of hard work, she was due for a promotion.
He felt he was long due for a vacation after months of overtime.
Her excellent performance made her due for a significant raise.
rakt öster, precis österut
in an exact or direct direction in relation to a point on the compass
The hikers continued due east until they reached the river.
The ship set sail, heading due north towards the Arctic Circle.
We'll drive due west for another hour before stopping for a break.