casca, concha
cartucho, projétil
concha, pasta em forma de concha
casca, concha
casca, concha
concha, casco
casca, estrutura
What is a "shell"?
A shell refers to the outer structure or frame that forms the basic shape of the building or vehicle. It includes the external walls, roof, and other components that enclose the interior space. The shell is the basic structure that holds everything together, often without the internal fittings or details like windows, doors, or insulation. For example, the shell of a building is its outer walls and roof before any internal features or finishes are added.
skiff, barco de corrida
casca, concha
casca, concha
casca, concha
bombardear, atacar com obuses
descascar, remover a casca
descascar, pelar
ganhar, sair por cima
bater, golpear
coletar conchas, procurar conchas
descascar, retirar a casca
explodir, detonar
empresa de fachada, empresa-tampão