laver, alga comestível
a type of edible seaweed commonly used in Asian cuisine, particularly in sushi and other dishes
What is "laver"?
Laver is an edible seaweed that is recognized for its thin, delicate texture and rich umami flavor. It typically has a dark green to purplish coloration. Laver is harvested from rocky coastal areas and is commonly used in Asian cuisine, particularly in Korean and Japanese dishes. To make laver, it is typically harvested, washed, and dried before being toasted or roasted to enhance its flavor. It can be enjoyed as a standalone snack, used as a wrap for sushi or rice rolls, or sprinkled over dishes to add a savory taste. Laver is prized for its nutritional value and is a popular ingredient due to its unique taste and versatility.
laver, alga vermelha comestível
edible red seaweeds
piastra, bacia
(Old Testament) large basin used by a priest in an ancient Jewish temple to perform ritual ablutions
Laver, Rod Laver
Australian tennis player who in 1962 was the second man to win the Australian and French and English and United States singles titles in the same year; in 1969 he repeated this feat (born in 1938)