For an instant, she thought she saw someone standing in the shadows.
In that instant, everything changed, and the room fell silent.
He hesitated for an instant before making his final decision.
He knew at that instant that he had made the right decision.
I need you to finish this task right this instant!
At the very instant the clock struck midnight, the celebration began.
kawa instant, kawa rozpuszczalna
coffee that is prepared quickly and easily by adding hot water to pre-processed granules or powder
She offered me a cup of instant, but I prefer freshly brewed coffee.
I keep instant in my pantry for those mornings when I ’m in a rush.
Instant is a convenient option when you do n't have time to brew a full pot of coffee.
szybki, natychmiastowy
happening or made very quickly and easily
The microwave oven offers instant heating for food.
Instant messaging allows for immediate communication between users.
The company offers instant access to online services for its customers.
szybki, błyskawiczny
(of food and drinks) processed to allow for very quick and easy preparation
I always keep a jar of instant coffee for busy mornings.
Instant noodles are a popular meal for students due to their convenience.
He grabbed a packet of instant soup for a quick lunch at the office.
Her decision to speak up had an instant impact on the meeting ’s direction.
The viral marketing campaign led to instant popularity for the brand.
The new product launch was an instant success, selling out within hours.
He felt an instant need to respond to the criticism.
The news triggered an instant reaction from the crowd.
There was an instant urgency in her voice when she heard the alarm.
The judge ruled that the previous offenses were not relevant to the instant case.
The instant issue at hand requires immediate attention from the legal team.
In the instant conflict, negotiations broke down after just a few hours.

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