What is a "premiere"?
A premiere is the first public showing or performance of a film, television show, play, or other entertainment production. It marks the official debut of the work, often accompanied by special events, red-carpet appearances, and media coverage. Premieres are typically held to generate excitement and attract attention from critics, industry professionals, and the public. They provide an opportunity for the creators and cast to showcase their work and can serve as a key promotional event before the production is released more widely.
The red carpet was rolled out for the premiere of the highly anticipated blockbuster movie.
Fans lined up outside the theater for the premiere of the latest superhero film, eager to be among the first to see it.
The director nervously awaited the audience 's reaction at the premiere of her debut feature film.
to premiere
debuttare, presentare
to present a work, such as a performance, film, or artwork, publicly for the first time
Transitive: to premiere a work of art
The orchestra premiered the composer's new symphony at the concert hall.
The artist will premiere their latest artwork at the gallery opening.
The dance company premiered a contemporary piece choreographed by a renowned artist.
debuttare, esordire
(of a musical, theatrical work, or film) to be performed or screened for the first time
The film will premiere at the international festival next week.
The play premiered to a full house, with rave reviews from critics.
The short film premiered online, gaining instant popularity.
primo, prima
preceding all others in time

Parole Vicine