a state of disorder, untidiness, or confusion
After the party, the living room was a complete mess.
His desk is always in a mess, with papers everywhere.
The kitchen was a mess after she tried to bake a cake.
a situation with many problems or difficulties, caused particularly by someone who is careless
The project 's budget overrun created a financial mess that took months to sort out.
His failure to submit the report on time left the team in a mess with the client.
The unplanned changes to the schedule turned the event into a logistical mess.
mensa, refettorio
a large dining room or area in a military establishment where service personnel eat, socialize, and relax
The soldiers gathered in the mess for their evening meal.
The mess was bustling with activity as everyone lined up for breakfast.
She decorated the mess for the holiday party.
mensa, pasto
a meal provided for military personnel in a communal dining facility known as a mess hall
The soldiers enjoyed their evening mess after a long day of training.
Breakfast mess was served promptly at 0600 hours.
He looked forward to the special holiday mess prepared by the kitchen staff.
pappa, miscuglio
a dish or serving of soft, semiliquid food, often consisting of a mixture of ingredients
She prepared a nutritious mess of oatmeal for breakfast.
The chef served a delicious mess of stew at the dining table.
The cat enjoyed a mess of wet food from its bowl.
un disastro, un casino
a large number, amount, or extent of something, often creating a sense of disorder or clutter
The kitchen counter was covered with a mess of dirty dishes.
He had a mess of paperwork to sort through by the end of the day.
There was a mess of toys scattered across the living room floor.
to mess
mettere in disordine
to make something dirty or some place untidy
Transitive: to mess sth
Spilling food on the kitchen counter can mess the surface.
Dropping litter in public spaces can mess the environment.
Neglecting to clean can mess the overall cleanliness of a house.
mangiare insieme, fare compagnia a tavola
to dine together with someone, typically within a shared dining facility
Every evening, the soldiers would mess together in the barracks, sharing stories of their day.
As members of the same unit, they often messed during training exercises and deployments.
The pilots would mess in the base's dining facility, recounting their missions while refueling for their next flight.

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