to toss
melempar, menggulung
to throw something with a quick and sudden motion
Transitive: to toss sth somewhere
He decided to toss his keys onto the table as he entered the room.
She playfully tossed a ball to her dog in the backyard.
melempar, membuang
to throw out or discard something
Transitive: to toss sth
She decided to toss the old newspapers piling up on the table.
Dia memutuskan untuk membuang koran-koran lama yang menumpuk di meja.
The chef tossed the leftover food after closing time.
Koki membuang sisa makanan setelah jam tutup.
mengaduk, mencampur
to mix or combine ingredients by gently lifting and turning them in a bowl or pan
Transitive: to toss food or ingredients
After adding the dressing, gently toss the salad to coat the vegetables evenly.
After draining the cooked pasta, toss it with the sauce in the pot before serving.
melempar koin, menelepon koin
to make a decision by throwing a coin in the air and guessing which of its sides will be facing upward when it lands
Transitive: to toss a coin
We could n't decide who should go first, so we tossed a coin.
Instead of arguing, they agreed to toss a coin to determine who would do the dishes.
berguling, terombang-ambing
to undergo a tumultuous movement characterized by rolling, tumbling, or violent commotion
The ship began to toss in the rough seas, causing passengers to grip tightly to the railings.
Kapal mulai terombang-ambing di lautan yang ganas, menyebabkan penumpang berpegangan erat pada railing.
The storm caused tree branches to toss wildly in the wind, scattering debris across the yard.
Badai menyebabkan cabang-cabang pohon terombang-ambing liar di dalam angin, menyebarkan puing-puing di seluruh halaman.
menggoncang, mengacaukan
to disrupt the calm or stable condition of something
Transitive: to toss sth
The turbulent waters tossed the small boat, making it difficult to navigate.
Air yang bergelora menggoncang perahu kecil, membuatnya sulit untuk dinavigasi.
The earthquake tossed buildings and structures, leaving behind widespread destruction.
Gempa bumi menggoncang gedung-gedung dan struktur-struktur, meninggalkan kehancuran yang luas.
lemparan, operan
(sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
lemparan koin, toss koin
the act of flipping a coin
lemparan, gerakan mendadak
an abrupt movement

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