pelecehan, penyalahgunaan
treatment of a person or animal in a violent or cruel way
Domestic abuse can take many forms, including physical violence, emotional manipulation, and financial control.
Animal abuse is a violation of ethical principles and can result in severe suffering and trauma for innocent creatures.
Elder abuse is a growing concern in aging populations, necessitating greater awareness and protective measures to safeguard vulnerable seniors.
the harmful or wrong use of something
penganiayaan, cemoohan
a rude expression intended to offend or hurt
to abuse
menyiksa, menyalahgunakan
to cruelly or violently treat a person or an animal, especially regularly or repeatedly
Transitive: to abuse sb/sth
Animal cruelty laws exist to prevent individuals from abusing animals.
Animal rights activists work tirelessly to expose and stop individuals who abuse animals for entertainment purposes.
Teachers are trained to recognize signs of bullying and intervene when students are abusing their peers.
menyalahgunakan, memanfaatkan secara tidak benar
to use or manipulate something in a way that deviates from its intended purpose
Transitive: to abuse sth
The CEO resigned amid allegations of abusing company funds for personal expenses.
Online platforms have policies to prevent users from abusing the system through spamming or harassment.
The government implemented strict laws to prosecute those who abuse controlled substances and contribute to the opioid crisis.
penyalahgunaan, konsumsi berlebihan
to consume substances such as alcohol or drugs beyond acceptable or recommended levels
Transitive: to abuse alcohol or drugs
Teens are often educated about the dangers of peer pressure and the potential to abuse substances like cigarettes and alcohol.
He began to abuse alcohol after facing a series of personal challenges, leading to detrimental effects on his health.
The musician struggled with fame and started to abuse drugs.
menghina, menyerang
to verbally attack or insult someone with offensive or harsh language
Transitive: to abuse sb
During the heated argument, he chose to abuse his opponent with a barrage of insults and offensive language.
Online platforms often struggle to curb instances where users abuse others through the use of hate speech.
Harassment policies in workplaces aim to prevent instances where employees may abuse their colleagues through offensive language.
melecehkan, memerkosa
to sexually assault a person, especially women and children
Transitive: to abuse sb
Consent workshops in educational institutions play a critical role in preventing instances where students may abuse others sexually.
The # MeToo movement shed light on the prevalence of individuals in positions of power who use their influence to abuse others sexually.
The survivor courageously shared their experience of an individual who sought to abuse them.
Domestic abuse can take many forms, including physical violence, emotional manipulation, and financial control.
Animal abuse is a violation of ethical principles and can result in severe suffering and trauma for innocent creatures.
Elder abuse is a growing concern in aging populations, necessitating greater awareness and protective measures to safeguard vulnerable seniors.