to elect
választani, megválasztani
to choose a person for a specific job, particularly a political one, by voting
Transitive: to elect sb
Citizens will elect a new mayor in the upcoming municipal elections.
Over the years, voters in the region have elected leaders with diverse backgrounds.
The citizens of the country are electing new leaders who will shape the future.
választani, dönteni
to decide on or choose a particular action or course voluntarily
Transitive: to elect to do sth
választott, kiválasztott
chosen as the best option
The elect project manager was chosen for her proven track record of delivering successful projects on time and within budget.
The elect spokesperson for the group was selected to represent their interests in negotiations.
The elect team members were carefully selected based on their skills and experience.
megválasztott kormányzó, választott
chosen or voted into a public office but not yet officially started serving in that role
a választott, a kiválasztottak
an exclusive group of people
Citizens will elect a new mayor in the upcoming municipal elections.
Over the years, voters in the region have elected leaders with diverse backgrounds.
The citizens of the country are electing new leaders who will shape the future.
The nation collectively decided to elect the candidate who promised positive change.
Voters have the responsibility to elect representatives who align with their values.
Közeli Szavak