The alarm on his bedside table rang loudly, prompting him to jump out of bed and start his day.
She set the alarm for 6:30 AM to make sure she would n't oversleep for her important meeting.
He programmed the alarm to go off every weekday morning to help establish a routine.
riasztás, félelem
fear resulting from the awareness of danger
The fire alarm sounded, prompting everyone to evacuate the building.
The car alarm went off when someone tried to break into the vehicle.
The smoke alarm detected a small fire in the kitchen and began to beep loudly.
riasztás, riasztó
a signal such as a loud noise used to warn someone of the occurrence of a danger
to alarm
riasztani, megijeszteni
to make someone scared or anxious
Transitive: to alarm sb
The unfamiliar sound in the house alarmed her at night.
The strange behavior of her usually calm dog alarmed her, making her wonder if something was wrong.
The loud crash in the middle of the night alarmed the household, causing them to rush downstairs to investigate.
riasztani, figyelmeztetni
to warn someone about possible danger or make them aware of something urgent
Transitive: to alarm sb
The loud sound of the fire alarm alarmed the residents, prompting them to evacuate the building.
The emergency broadcast alarmed the residents to evacuate.
The sound of the horn alarmed the workers to stop what they were doing.
riasztóval felszerelni, védelmet nyújtani riasztóval
to equip or protect with an alarm system
Transitive: to alarm a place or property
I've just spent a fortune to alarm the house after the recent break-ins.
The store owner decided to alarm the shop to prevent theft.
They alarmed their car to enhance its security.

Közeli Szavak