manuel, guide
What is a "manual"?
A manual is a detailed guide or instruction booklet that provides information on how to operate, use, or maintain a product, system, or process. It typically includes step-by-step instructions, explanations, and diagrams to help users understand the functions or features of an item. Manuals are commonly found with products like electronics, appliances, or vehicles, and can also apply to software or machines. The goal of a manual is to ensure that users can effectively and safely use the item, solving problems or performing tasks as needed.
manuel, exercice millitaire
What is a "manual"?
A manual is a vehicle that requires the driver to change gears manually using a gear stick, often in combination with a clutch pedal. In this type of vehicle, the driver must press the clutch pedal to disengage the engine and then move the gear stick to select the appropriate gear for the speed or power needed. Manuals offer more control over driving but require more skill and attention compared to automatic vehicles, which shift gears on their own. Many drivers enjoy the hands-on experience and better control that a manual provides.
manuel, apportant un effort personnel
manuel, à la main
manuel, physique