to evolve
yumabong, umunlad
to develop from a simple form to a more complex or sophisticated one over an extended period
The Internet has evolved from a basic communication tool to a complex network of information.
Language tends to evolve over time, with new words and expressions emerging.
Organizational structures can evolve as companies grow and adapt to changing needs.
umunlad, mag-evolve
(biology) to change gradually and over generations into forms that are better adapted to the environment and fitter to survive
Over millions of years, horses have evolved from small, multi-toed ancestors to the single-toed, large - bodied animals we see today.
In response to changing food availability, the beak shapes of finches on the Galápagos Islands have evolved.
Bacteria exposed to antibiotics have evolved through genetic mutations.
umunlad, mag-evolve
to undergo genetic changes that result in the acquisition or development of new traits
Transitive: to evolve new traits
Birds evolved feathers from their reptilian ancestors, which initially served as insulation and later adapted for flight.
Fish species evolved specialized gills to extract oxygen from water, allowing them to inhabit aquatic environments.
Mammals evolved mammary glands to produce milk, providing nourishment to offspring.
umunlad, palakasin
to facilitate the development or emergence of something
Transitive: to evolve sth
The community organization collaborated with local residents to evolve a sustainable development plan for the neighborhood.
The company 's marketing department conducted market research to evolve a new advertising campaign.
The architect worked tirelessly to evolve a plan for the building.

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