malalim, masalimuot
showing the intensity or greatness of something
The novel had a profound impact on readers, prompting deep reflection on the human condition.
His speech had a profound effect on the audience, leaving them inspired.
The beauty of the sunset was so profound that it took her breath away.
malubha, malalim
(of a disease or disability) describing a condition that is extremely severe or intense
The patient is suffering from profound depression.
He was born with a profound hearing loss.
She was diagnosed with profound hearing loss, which necessitated the use of hearing aids and specialized communication methods.
malalim, masalimuot
having or displaying a lot of knowledge or great understanding
As an anthropologist, she had developed a profound understanding of cultural traditions through decades of field work.
Only the most dedicated scholars achieved a profound familiarity with the works of such a prolific and influential philosopher.
We sought her counsel on the matter because of her profound expertise in international trade law.
The profound underwater trench reaches depths that are difficult to explore.
The drilling uncovered layers of rock at profound depths below the Earth's surface.
The profound geological formations reveal a rich history of the planet's development.
malalim, masusing
requiring a lot of thought or deep study
Doctors are faced with making profound treatment decisions that impact patients' lives and require weighing many factors.
Politicians rarely offer straightforward answers to profound issues with many nuanced facets affecting society.
The novel 's profound themes about identity and existence prompted readers to reflect deeply on their own lives.
kalamnang, kalaliman
the deepest or most distant part of something, often used to describe the extreme depths of the ocean
The research vessel ventured into the profound of the Atlantic Ocean, exploring its uncharted depths.
Marine biologists are fascinated by the creatures living in the profound, where sunlight does n’t penetrate.
The profound of the lake holds ancient secrets that scientists are eager to uncover.

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