to keep off
[phrase form: keep]
mantenerse alejado de, evitar entrar en
to avoid entering or walking onto a specific area or surface
Please keep off the construction site for your safety.
They asked us to keep off the fragile coral reefs while snorkeling.
Keep off the ice on the pond; it might not be safe yet.
mantenerse alejado de, abstenerse de
to refrain from consuming or or indulging in something, often for health or lifestyle reasons
I kept off sugary snacks during my weight loss journey.
He decided to keep off alcohol to improve his overall well-being.
She 's determined to keep off smoking for her health.
mantener alejado, evitar acercarse
to prevent someone or something from touching, coming close, or interacting with somebody or something else
She uses repellent to keep off mosquitoes while camping.
Please keep your dog on a leash to keep it off other people in the park.
You should keep off your hands from the hot stove to avoid burns.
mantenerse alejado, no caer
(of rain, snow, etc.) to not fall or affect a specific area
The forecast says the rain will keep off, so the outdoor event should be fine.
If the snow keeps off, we can go for a hike in the mountains tomorrow.
They were lucky that the storm clouds kept off during their beach vacation.
evitar discutir, mantenerse alejado de mencionar
to avoid discussing or mentioning a particular topic
It 's best to keep off personal matters during the business meeting.
They decided to keep off controversial issues to maintain a peaceful family gathering.
Please keep off any sensitive topics when speaking with the clients.

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