Blazing row
καuτή διαμάχη, έντονη αντιπαράθεση
a very violent and intense argument between two parties
What is the origin of the idiom "blazing row" and when to use it?
The idiom "blazing row" originated from the literal image of a fire or blaze that symbolizes intense heat and fervor. It refers to a heated and intense argument or dispute between individuals or groups, characterized by strong emotions, raised voices, and a confrontational atmosphere. The phrase is often used to convey the idea of a conflict that is marked by intense passion and a lack of restraint, often resulting in a volatile and explosive exchange of words.
Last night, they had a blazing row over their differing political views.
The siblings had a blazing row about who should inherit their parents' estate.
The meeting ended in a blazing row as members passionately disagreed about the proposed changes.