Unterkunft, Zufluchtsort
Unterkunft, Schutzraum
What is a "shelter"?
A shelter is a structure or place that provides protection and safety from the weather or other dangers. It can be temporary or permanent and is designed to keep people or animals safe from rain, wind, sun, or cold. Shelters can range from simple tents or huts to more complex buildings like houses or cabins. They can be found in many settings, including outdoor areas, cities, or emergency situations, offering a space for rest, warmth, and security. Shelters are essential for survival, especially in harsh or challenging environments.
Unterkunft, Zuflucht
Steuersparmodell, Steuerflug
Schutz, Unterkunft
unterbringen, shelter-ieren
schützen, verstecken
sich schützen, Unterschlupf suchen