návrh, sepsat
návrh, skic
draftovat, povolat
náčrt, skica
průvan, vzdušný proud
šek, příkaz k úhradě
tažení, tah
hlt, sousto
vojenská služba, odvod
dávka, sirup
What is a "draft"?
A draft is a precisely measured quantity of liquid medication prescribed to be taken orally. It is the amount of medication that is intended to be taken in one dose, usually measured using a marked device such as a syringe or measuring cup. Drafts are commonly used for liquid medications like syrups, solutions, or suspensions, ensuring accurate dosing according to the prescribed instructions. They are frequently prescribed for antibiotics, liquid pain relievers, pediatric formulations, cough syrups, and medications for conditions like hypertension or diabetes that require accurate dosing adjustments.
komínový tah, průvan
ponor, hloubka ponoru
návrh, skica
pilsner, draft