to betray
zradit, zradit někoho
to be disloyal to a person, a group of people, or one's country by giving information about them to their enemy
Transitive: to betray sb/sth
The spy betrayed his country by passing classified information to the enemy.
She felt deeply hurt when her best friend betrayed her trust by spreading rumors about her.
The double agent betrayed both sides by playing them against each other for personal gain.
zradit, prozradit
to reveal something, such as thoughts, feelings, qualities, etc. unintentionally
Transitive: to betray a thought or feeling
Her smile betrayed her nervousness.
His voice betrayed his excitement despite trying to stay calm.
She tried to act indifferent, but her eyes betrayed her true feelings.
zradit, zklamat
to abandon or fail someone, especially during a crucial or difficult moment
Transitive: to betray sb
In her moment of need, he betrayed her by walking away without offering any help.
The company betrayed its employees by laying them off during the crisis.
When she needed advice the most, her mentor betrayed her by ignoring her calls for help.
zradit, prozradit
to reveal or share information that was entrusted to you in confidence, breaking trust or secrecy
Transitive: to betray sth
It was a breach of trust when he betrayed the company's secrets to a competitor.
Her best friend betrayed her trust by revealing the surprise party plans.
The spy was caught when he betrayed classified information to the enemy.
zradit, podvést
to cheat on one's spouse or romantic partner
Transitive: to betray sb
He betrayed his wife when he started an affair with a coworker.
He felt like his entire world had crumbled after learning that she had betrayed him.
She never expected him to betray her, especially after all the years they'd been together.