to share
sdílet, napsat
to possess or use something with someone else at the same time
Transitive: to share sth
The couple plans to share a bank account after marriage.
It 's been over a decade since they shared a stage and performed together.
You might have to share this with a classmate.
sdílet, nabídnout
to offer some or all of one's possessions, resources, etc, to another individual
Transitive: to share a possession or resource with sb
She shared her sandwich with her hungry coworker.
The hiker shared his trail mix with his hiking companions.
The philanthropist shared a significant portion of his wealth with various charitable organizations.
sdílet, rozdělit
to distribute a portion of something among individuals, allowing each to possess or enjoy it
Transitive: to share a resource
The teacher shared the classroom supplies among the students.
Please share the available snacks among your friends at the party.
The charity organization shares donated clothing among those in need.
sdílet, podělit se o
to hold common feelings, ideas, sentiments, etc. with someone else
Transitive: to share feelings or ideas
They often share similar viewpoints on social issues.
Friends who share a sense of humor often have the most fun together.
John and Sarah share a love for hiking and exploring the outdoors.
sdílet, podělit se o
to communicate or express one's thoughts, personal encounters, emotions, secrets, etc. with others
Transitive: to share one's thoughts or emotions
She finally decided to share her long-held secret with her best friend.
The author was eager to share his innovative ideas in his new book.
Friends often gather to share their dreams, aspirations, and personal stories.
sdílet, sdílet náklady
to assume the same responsibilities or involvement as someone else
Transitive: to share a responsibility
They agreed to share the costs of the vacation equally among themselves.
When it comes to childcare, the responsibilities are shared among family members.
In a partnership, both business owners share the financial responsibilities.
sdílet, podělit se
to use social media applications or websites to post or repost a message, image, etc.
Transitive: to share a message or media on social media
I 'll share the latest news article on my Facebook page.
She shared an inspirational quote on Twitter.
Let 's share this exciting event on Instagram.
podíl, účast
assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group
akcie, podíl
any of the equal portions of a company's stock that is available for public to buy and gain benefit
podíl, sdílení
the act of dividing or distributing something among a group of people
Each member of the team received an equal share of the profits from the successful project.
She felt honored to receive her share of the credit for the group's hard work.
They each took a share of the workload to ensure the project would be completed on time.
podíl, příspěvek
the effort contributed by a person in bringing about a result
čepel, list
a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil
sdílení, příspěvek
the action of posting or reposting a message on social media platforms

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