অনুসন্ধান করুন
to envy
ঈর্ষা করা, বিদ্বেষ করা
to feel unhappy or irritated because someone else has something that one desires
Transitive: to envy sth
She envies her friend's success in her career and wishes she had the same opportunities.
He envies his neighbor's new car and wishes he could afford one like it.
They envy their classmates' popularity and wish they were as well-liked.
ঈর্ষা করা, অসাধারণ
to feel unhappy or jealous of someone because they have something you want
Transitive: to envy sb
It ’s hard not to envy someone who has the life you dream of.
I envy people who can travel so easily.
She tried not to envy others, but it was hard at times.
বিদ্বেষ, ঈর্ষা
a feeling of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or anger that one might have as a result of wanting what others have
She could n't help but feel a twinge of envy when she saw her friend's new car.
His envy of his colleague's success drove him to work even harder to achieve similar recognition.
Envy can poison relationships if not addressed openly and honestly.
অভিমান, হিংসা
a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another

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