Draw in
British pronunciation/dɹˈɔː ˈɪn/
American pronunciation/dɹˈɔː ˈɪn/

"draw in"এর সংজ্ঞা এবং অর্থ

to draw in
[phrase form: draw]

আকর্ষণ করা, মোহিত করা

to capture attention or interest often through physical appeal or psychological influence
to draw in definition and meaning
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The mysterious aura of the performer drew in the audience, creating a spellbinding experience.
The charismatic speaker had the ability to draw in listeners with compelling stories and persuasive arguments.
The enchanting beauty of the painting drew in visitors to the art gallery.

শ্বাস নেওয়া, গভীর শ্বাস নেওয়া

to breathe in something
to draw in definition and meaning
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Breathing deeply, she drew in the fresh mountain air.
As the diver surfaced, he eagerly drew in a lungful of oxygen.
The aroma of the flowers was so delightful that she could n't help but draw it in.

প্রবেশ করা, ঘনিষ্ঠ হওয়া

(of trains) to enter or move into a station
to draw in definition and meaning
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The train started to draw in as it approached the bustling station.
Passengers on the platform eagerly awaited the arrival of the train, watching it draw in.
The conductor announced that the train would draw in shortly, prompting passengers to prepare for boarding.

কাছে আসা, নির্দিষ্ট স্থানে এগিয়ে আসা

to advance toward a particular location or point
to draw in definition and meaning
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The troops were instructed to draw in on the enemy's position for a strategic assault.
Dark clouds began to draw in from the horizon, signaling an approaching storm.
The runners started to draw in towards the finish line as the race entered its final stretch.

যোগদান করানো, অংশগ্রহণ করানো

to engage or involve someone in a particular activity, situation, or conversation
to draw in definition and meaning
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The team leader decided to draw in new members for the upcoming project.
The teacher encouraged students to draw in their classmates for a collaborative assignment.
During the meeting, the manager sought to draw in everyone's opinions on the proposed changes.

টানানো, মোড়ানো

to curl one's body into a rounded or bent form
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During yoga, we were told to draw in, forming a rounded posture.
The cat drew in on the windowsill, making a cozy, rounded shape for a nap.
To stay warm, she drew in, bringing her arms around her body in a huddled position.

গা dark় করা, গা mির

(of the sky) to become darker earlier in the evening due to the approach of winter
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As autumn arrived, the evenings began to draw in, and it was dark by 6 pm.
The noticeable change in the weather signaled that the days were drawing in, marking the onset of winter.
With winter approaching, the nights draw in sooner, and outdoor activities are limited by early darkness.

অঙ্কন করা, চিত্রিত করা

to create a visual representation
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The artist decided to draw in intricate details to enhance the realism of the portrait.
Using charcoal, she began to draw in the shadows and highlights on the still life composition
The architect started to draw in the fine lines of the building's façade to finalize the design.
অ্যাপ ডাউনলোড করুন
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