悔过, 惩罚
a punishment imposed by a priest or oneself in order to express regret for the sins commited
忏悔, 悔恨
a feeling of regret for one's past actions
She felt deep penance for betraying her friend's trust and wanted to make amends.
His penance was evident in the way he tried to rectify his past actions through selfless deeds.
She was overwhelmed by a deep penance, constantly regretting the hurt she had caused.
忏悔, 赎罪
an action that is done to make up for one's wrongdoing or mistake
As penance for his mistake, he volunteered at the shelter every weekend for a month.
He viewed his long hours of community service as penance for the harm he had caused.
The priest instructed the parishioner to pray for an hour each day as penance for his sins.