Tìm kiếm
to hunt
săn, truy lùng
to pursue wild animals in order to kill or catch them, for sport or food
Transitive: to hunt animals
In some cultures, people still hunt for their food using traditional methods.
The experienced tracker knew how to hunt stealthily without scaring away the animals.
The hunter patiently waited for the perfect opportunity to hunt the elusive deer.
săn lùng, tìm kiếm
to search for something or someone
Intransitive: to hunt for sth
The archaeologists hunted for ancient artifacts, meticulously excavating the site in hopes of uncovering treasures from the past.
She is currently hunting for her misplaced keys around the house.
The researcher frequently hunts for new sources of information to support their study.
săn, truy đuổi
to pursue and capture or kill other animals as a means of securing food or defending territory
Transitive: to hunt another animal
The lioness hunts to feed her cubs.
Wolves hunt in packs to increase their chances of catching prey.
The eagle hunts small mammals from great heights with incredible precision.
săn lùng, truy nã
to search for and try to capture a person
Transitive: to hunt sb
The police set out to hunt the suspect after receiving new leads.
The secret agents were assigned to hunt the enemy operative hiding in the city.
They hunted the criminal across state lines, determined to bring him to justice.
săn đuổi, truy đuổi
to drive or chase away someone or something with persistent or aggressive effort
Transitive: to hunt sb/sth somewhere
The soldiers hunted the enemy forces across the mountains, pushing them into retreat.
They hunted the intruders out of the house with a loud shout.
The farmer used dogs to hunt the wild animals off his property.
săn bắn, cuộc săn
the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts
săn bắn, cuộc săn
the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport
cuộc tìm kiếm, sự săn lùng
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
cuộc tìm kiếm, phi vụ săn tìm
an instance of searching for something
hội săn, câu lạc bộ săn
an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport