Tìm kiếm
khiêm tốn, khiêm nhường
behaving in a way that shows the lack of pride or sense of superiority over others
He 's a humble person, never boasting about his achievements and always treating others with kindness.
Despite his success, he remains humble, never seeking recognition for his accomplishments.
Her humble attitude endears her to everyone she meets, making her a beloved friend.
khiêm tốn, thấp kém
low or inferior in station or quality
khiêm tốn, nhún nhảy
perform a chasse step, in ballet
khiêm tốn, nhỏ bé
having a low social rank or position, often characterized by modesty
Despite his humble beginnings, he rose to become a respected leader in the community.
She never forgot her humble origins, even after achieving great success in her career.
His humble station in life did not deter him from pursuing higher education and better opportunities.
khiêm tốn, thấp kém
used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)
to humble
hạ thấp, xỉ nhục
to make someone feel ashamed by reminding them of their weaknesses or limitations
Transitive: to humble sb
His failure in the competition humbled him and made him reevaluate his approach.
The wise words of the elder humbled the arrogant young man.
The harsh criticism humbled him, prompting him to reflect on his actions and strive to be better.
hạ bệ, chế ngự
to significantly diminish someone’s strength, influence, or dignity
Transitive: to humble sb
The once-dominant empire was humbled by a series of unexpected defeats.
The competitor ’s bold claims were humbled when he lost in the first round.
Nature ’s forces humbled the explorers, showing them their vulnerability.

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