Tìm kiếm
to cascade
chảy xuống, đổ xuống
to flow down rapidly and in large quantities
Intransitive: to cascade somewhere
Water cascaded down the waterfall, creating a mesmerizing sight.
Leaves cascaded from the trees in a colorful display during autumn.
The chocolate sauce cascaded over the ice cream, creating a delicious treat.
điều chỉnh theo chuỗi, sắp xếp theo thứ tự
to arrange a series of objects or devices so that they are in a sequence or flow one after another
Transitive: to cascade items
The engineer cascaded the components in a sequence to ensure smooth operation.
They cascaded the lights down the staircase to create a stunning visual effect.
The workers cascaded the files by date to ensure they were sorted properly.
thác nước, suối
a small steep waterfall, usually one of several others
The hikers stopped to admire the beautiful cascade in the forest.
They took photos of the cascade hidden deep in the national park.
The tour guide pointed out several cascades along the river trail.
thác nước, dòng chảy
a large sum of something that flows or hangs down
thác nước, chuỗi
a succession of stages or operations or processes or units

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