Tìm kiếm
tay trái, sử dụng tay trái
primarily using one's left hand for tasks
The left-handed pitcher had a distinct advantage in baseball due to their unique throwing style.
The left-handed artist held the paintbrush with their dominant hand to create intricate strokes on the canvas.
Despite being left-handed, Mary learned to play the guitar by adapting right-handed chord diagrams to fit her orientation.
thuận tay trái, thiết kế cho tay trái
designed for or used with the left hand
Sarah 's left-handed scissors were specifically designed to accommodate her dominant hand.
The left-handed scissors were perfect for Mary's dominant hand.
The left-handed guitar had the strings arranged in reverse order to accommodate the player's dominant hand.
mập mờ một cách mỉa mai, mỉa mai mập mờ
ironically ambiguous
thuận tay trái, quay sang trái
rotating to the left
thuận tay trái, vụng về
lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands
cuộc hôn nhân không hợp pháp, cuộc hôn nhân bất bình đẳng
(of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior
bất hợp pháp, không chính thức
(of marriages) illicit or informal

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