تلاش کریں
to fall out
[phrase form: fall]
جھگڑے کے نتیجے میں کچھ دوستیاں ٹوٹ جانا, باہمی اختلاف کی وجہ سے دوستی ختم ہونا
to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument
After a heated debate, the friends fell out and stopped speaking to each other.
Misunderstandings over a project led the colleagues to fall out and work separately.
The siblings tended to fall out occasionally, but they always reconciled in the end.
گرنا, گر کر الگ ہو جانا
to detach from a surface or object
As she danced, her hairpin fell out, and her hair cascaded down in loose waves.
The old book was so fragile that pages started to fall out every time it was opened.
Over time, the adhesive weakened, causing some tiles to fall out from the bathroom wall.
ہونا, واقع ہونا
to take place
Intransitive: to fall out point in time | to fall out in a specific manner
The predicted changes in weather patterns are expected to fall out over the weekend.
If all goes as planned, the project milestones will fall out according to the proposed timeline.
We 'll have to wait and see how the events fall out before making any definitive plans.
نکلنا, پیدا ہونا
to come as a logical consequence of something
If the initial steps are not executed properly, problems are likely to fall out during the later stages of the project.
The policy changes were expected to fall out as a natural progression of the evolving organizational structure.
If the market conditions remain favorable, increased investment and growth should fall out naturally.