to discipline
a disciplina, a instrui
to train a person or animal by instruction and exercise, usually with the aim of improving or correcting behavior
Transitive: to discipline a person or animal
Parents use various methods to discipline their children, teaching them values and acceptable behavior.
Dog owners often attend obedience classes to discipline their pets and ensure good behavior.
disciplină, domeniu de studiu
a field of study that is typically taught in a university
What is a "discipline"?
A discipline is a specific area of study or branch of knowledge that is focused on a particular subject, method, or approach. It involves the systematic pursuit of knowledge and understanding in a particular field. Examples of disciplines include physics, sociology, law, or medicine. Each discipline has its own set of methods, theories, and practices that help to organize and advance knowledge in that area. Disciplinary study is often taught in schools and universities, where students learn about the key principles and develop expertise in a chosen field.
Psychology is a discipline that focuses on understanding human behavior and mental processes.
Economics is a discipline concerned with the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.
disciplină, comportament
the trait of being well behaved
disciplină, regulament
a system of rules of conduct or method of practice
disciplină, antrenament
training to improve strength or self-control
disciplina, imposibilitate
the practice of using methods such as punishment, training, or guidance to enforce rules and improve behavior
Effective discipline in the classroom helps maintain order and promotes a conducive learning environment.
Disciplina eficientă în clasă ajută la menținerea ordinii și promovează un mediu de învățare favorabil.
The military emphasizes discipline as essential for unit cohesion and mission readiness.
Militari subliniază disciplina ca esențială pentru coeziunea unității și pregătirea pentru misiune.

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