British pronunciation/stˈɔːk/
American pronunciation/ˈstɔk/

Definiția și Sensul lui "stalk"

to stalk

a pândi, a urmări

to follow, watch, or pursue someone persistently and often secretly, causing them fear or discomfort
Transitive: to stalk sb
to stalk definition and meaning
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Unbeknownst to her, a mysterious figure began to stalk Mary on her way home from work.
The celebrity became increasingly concerned as a paparazzo seemed to stalk them wherever they went.
After the unsettling encounter, she felt as if someone were stalking her.

a pândește, a urmări în mod discret

to move stealthily or quietly towards prey or a target, typically in a deliberate and calculated manner
Transitive: to stalk a target
to stalk definition and meaning
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The lion carefully stalked its prey, crouching low in the grass before making a sudden dash.
The cheetah, known for its incredible speed, began to stalk a group of gazelles on the horizon.
The predator silently stalked the wounded animal, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

a se deplasa pe un ton superior, a intra cam pe furiș

to walk with a stiff or angry demeanor
Intransitive: to stalk somewhere
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Fueled by anger, she stalked into the room, demanding an explanation for the sudden turn of events.
The disgruntled employee could n't conceal their frustration as they stalked out of the meeting room.
Witnessing the injustice, the activist decided to stalk towards the podium, ready to address the crowd with passion.

tulpină, codiță

the slender, elongated part of a plant that supports leaves, flowers, or fruits
stalk definition and meaning

What is a "stalk"?

A stalk, also known as a stem, refers to the elongated, upright structure that supports and connects various parts of a plant, such as leaves, flowers, and fruits, to the root system. Stalks vary in size, shape, and texture depending on the plant species and its growth habit. They are responsible for providing structural support to the plant, as well as for transporting water, nutrients, and sugars between different parts of the plant. In some plants, such as celery and asparagus, the stalk itself is edible and commonly consumed as a vegetable. Stalks can also serve as a storage organ for energy reserves, such as in the case of rhubarb stalks. Additionally, certain plants produce flower stalks that bear the plant's flowers and eventually develop into fruits or seeds.

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As she prepared the celery for a salad, she trimmed the leafy stalks and discarded the tougher parts.
They picked the juicy tomatoes, gently twisting the stalks to separate them from the vine.

trotă, pas amenințător

a stiff or threatening gait

vânătoare, urmărire

the act of following prey stealthily

stalking, vânătoare pe ascuns

a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush

tulpină, cotor

material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
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