to stake
lega, fixa
to tie or fasten something or someone securely to a stake for stability or control
Transitive: to stake sb/sth
The dog was staked in the yard to prevent it from wandering off.
The tents were staked securely to the ground to withstand the strong winds.
The farmer staked the young tree to help it grow straight and upright.
a paria, a risca
to risk or place money or valuables on the outcome of an event
Transitive: to stake a sum of money on sth
He staked $ 100 on the outcome of the horse race.
They decided to stake their savings on the poker game.
She staked a large sum in the casino, hoping for a big win.
a risca, a supune riscului
to put something in a position where it is vulnerable to loss, harm, or failure
Transitive: to stake an abstract possession on sth
He staked his reputation on the success of the new product launch.
The company staked its future on the success of the new technology.
The government staked its credibility on the new policy reforms.
a marca, a delimita
to set or define the boundaries or limits of an area by placing markers
Transitive: to stake an area
The surveyor staked the land to mark the property boundaries.
The team staked the field to show where the playing area began and ended.
The workers staked the route for the new road to ensure clear guidelines.
străpunge, înfila
to pierce or injure someone or something by driving a pointed stake through it
Transitive: to stake sb/sth
The vampire hunters staked the creature through the heart to destroy it.
The executioner staked the prisoner as a form of punishment.
They staked the animal to ensure it would n’t escape.
participație, investiție
an amount of money invested in a business
She purchased a significant stake in the startup company to support its growth.
The venture capitalist decided to increase their stake in the biotech firm after positive clinical trial results.
The billionaire entrepreneur acquired a controlling stake in the struggling airline to turn it around.
pilon, stâlp
instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning
ciocan, stâlp
a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track)
țăruș, stâlp
a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground
pariu, cota
the amount of money or other valuable asset that a player risks or wagers on a particular bet or game
What is a "stake"?
A stake is the amount of money that a person wagers or risks on a bet or gamble. It represents the player's financial commitment to the outcome of an event, such as a game, race, or sports match. The stake can vary depending on the individual’s preferences or the type of bet being placed. If the bet is successful, the person wins the stake back along with any additional winnings, but if the bet fails, they lose the stake. The term is commonly used in various types of gambling and betting.
parte, participare
a share or part in a business, system, etc. that may yield money

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